Imagine yourself inhaling the radiant energy of the Sedonaa sun, feeling the energy of the vortex and red rocks piercing through your body. You take another deep breath and feel the connection with your Higher Self and the expansiveness of your Soul.
You are no longer on earth; you are somewhere in between. You take another breath and you feel your heart fly open. In this moment, you feel the embodiment of who you truly are.
You feel powerful and profound, strong and safe . . . then you exhale into the womb of the mother. You relax into Gaia's embrace and begin to feel your inner bliss . . .
. . . delve into your inner temple.
You experience a sacred journey within and feel the loving container of openness, sacred sharing, ceremony, and spiritual community. Your heart opens and you. recognize your Inner Sacred Mystic, amplified by the frequencies of Sedona.
On this retreat you will experience a true alchemical transformation through sacred connection.
Let go of taking care of everyone else, your obligations, of putting everyone else's needs first, your programs, and your daily routines
. . .
Start taking care of you and your deepest heart's desires.
And bring the sacred feminine into your fullest heart awareness.
On the land of magical Sedona, during this Divine Awakening, you empower your intuitive connection through ceremony, healing, activations and becoming your Feminine Heart Wisdom.
You Exhale and reconnect with your Divine Feminine Mystic, in all of your Beauty, with Grace and Ease. You embrace your Spiritual Heart, and begin to tap into your own deep Harmony and Love from within. Through this Sacred Heart Connection, begin to feel the True Love that you are. Embody the ancient practices of ritual, meditation and ceremony through your Heart Center.
Imagine yourself feeling the frequency of Love as your heart bursts open. You recognize your inner sacred mystic. Through this profound alchemical transformation, you feel and express your Sacred Feminine within your spiritual heart.
You embrace your empowerment and intuitive connection. You are the Feminine Mystic Creator, connected to your creative source, purpose, and power.
As you bring your feminine power into your fullest heart awareness, you connect to Feminine Mastery. Supported by Gaia and the land of Sedona, you can let go of what no longer serves you and activate and align you with YOU as the Divine Feminine Mystic.
During our sacred time together, you will activate major light code energy upgrades to anchor in your Divine Feminine energy blueprint that is unique to you. These light codes create permanent transformations and align you to your higher calling and purpose as the Feminine Mystic Creator.
The intention for this retreat is for you to relax into your Feminine Mystique and open to the powerful Feminine Mystic Creator who you Truly are. You will be empowered through your profound heart openings and embody the energy of in all of your Beauty, with Grace and Ease. You embrace your Spiritual Heart, and begin to tap into your own deep Harmony and Love from within. Through this Sacred Heart Connection, begin to feel the True Love that you are. Embody the energy of inner transformations that will make you feel more whole and connected. to live your Truth.